Welcome to Dallas Lodge 760

Making Good Men Better since 1895

We are a proud and storied member of the fraternity of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons in Dallas, Texas  


About Dallas Lodge No. 760

For over 125 years, each generation of Dallas Lodge 760 has sustained its namesake through devotion to the the virtues of faith, hope, and charity, supported on the three great pillars of wisdom, strength, and beauty..

Freemasonry extols the virtues of kindness, freedom of thought, tolerance, and personal integrity.  Life is a path.  Happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction come from choosing one's path wisely.  Our personal choices are made easier if we can rely on fellow travelers.  We do not seek to make bad men good, but to make good men better.  Masons strive to become better for themselves, their families, and their communities.


 Philosophy, Philanthropy, Fraternity.

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Current Officers

Shown here are the members of Dallas Lodge #760 who were elected and appointed to serve by the brethren therein. The officers strive to provide the lodge with guidance and leadership in order to achieve the goals set forth within our lodge, and to best serve those within our community.


About Freemasonry

"Freemasonry is a fraternity. Its membership is restricted to men, but there is no hazing as is found in some college fraternities. The Masonic Order is a serious group. It exists to take good men and help them to become better men. Thus, it is not a reform society. It does not exist to reform criminals, nor would such persons benefit from its teachings…”


In the Community

Dallas Lodge 760 serves the surrounding community with multiple efforts. We partner with Carter Blood Care to host blood drives around the city, and offer “Breakfasts for Heroes” at the lodge which are free for police, fire, and paramedic professionals (pandemic dependent of course). We hold canned food drives for the North Texas Food Bank, partner with the Rotary Club of Dallas…

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